Sustainability skills for HORECA / Aim2Sustain

Project Ref. Nr. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000085675

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union: ERASMUS+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training project.

Context of the project: It is no secret that the interest and concern about sustainability are increasing among HORECA stakeholders – investors, owners, and customers. Sustainability is the process that demands initiatives and understanding of how the HORECA sector can become more sustainable, not just environmentally but also socially and economically. Becoming more sustainable refers not only to making business operations more efficient and effective but also to staying relevant in the ever-evolving and competitive market and responding to current and future market demands. Osnabrück Declaration 2020 (EC) identifies sustainability as one of the challenges to be addressed in VET and recognizes the importance of education on sustainability. The studies reveal that sustainability is not a separate subject – it is embedded across all relevant learning areas; therefore, education on sustainability should be incorporated as a cross-curriculum priority across all curriculum areas.

The main objective of the project is to promote education on sustainability in the VET sector in order to develop sustainability competence of hotel, restaurant, and catering (HORECA) employees contributing to an overall sustainability strategy

1. Identify sustainability action areas and skills requirements and criteria in the HORECA sector;
2. Create appropriate teaching/learning content on sustainability topics in accordance with HORECA sector requirements.
3. Build VET teachers’ capacity to teach sustainability for working life.
4. Expand students’ understanding of sustainable work culture in the HORECA sector.
5. Ensure link between VET and HORECA labour market demands.

Results of the project:
1. Guidelines for Sustainability as a Competence in HORECA.
2. Online Aim2Sustain learning space on sustainability in HORECA related topics hosting Open Educational Resources (OERs). All materials will be available in the languages of the project consortium: Bulgarian, Dutch, Greek, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English.
3. Transnational dissemination conference.

The direct target groups of the project include:
1. VET providers, VET trainers, learners, apprentices in the HORECA sector across Europe.
2. HORECA sector employees.
3. Associations, networks, social partners, enterprises operating in the HORECA sector.
The indirect target group includes other education providers i.e. secondary schools, HEIs.

Project Partners:

Project website:

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