VET@HOME project that started earlier this ear already has its own website.

The project is a joint initiative of 6 organizations from 5 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and North Macedonia).

Our goal through this project is to reinforce the ability of Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions across Europe and beyond to provide high quality, inclusive digital education in culinary arts adapted as to the post-COVID19 operation standards in the food-and beverage industry.

For this purpose we are creating and piloting a standard unit-based syllabus model for virtual practical training courses within the VET for the profession “Cook” as well as designing an on-line platform for the virtual delivery of the practical training in this profession.

The project VET@HOME is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, under Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices and will continue until October 2022.

Stay with us for more information on the project website and follow us on the social media!

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